Fire and Rain: Selected Poems 1993-2007 Java: a framework for program design and data structures The Life and Death of King John Participation in EU Rule-Making: A Rights-Based Approach Interactions in Molecules: Electronic and Steric Effects Bad Sports: How Owners Are Ruining the Games We Love
Some statements:
From Catastrophe to Chaos: Mathematics, microeconomics, Freedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State Algorithms for Elliptic Problems: Efficient Sequential and Parallel Mathematica Japonica, Volume 40 Christian Fiction: A Guide to the Genre The Painted Word: Samuel Beckett's Dialogue With Art Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound In Clinical Practice: Liver, Prostate, How to Listen to Music: Hints And Suggestions to Untaught Lovers of Trading Places: Articles from the 'Trading Places' Column in Town Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Volumes 343-344