Oh, why you countenance so sad?

Tears are in your eyes

Come on and come through to me now

Don't be guilty to cry

Let me see you through

cause I've seen the night on the side too

When the dark body of water on you

You don't cognise what to do

Nothing you confess

Could clear me love you smaller quantity.

Oh, why you watch so sad?

Tears are in your eyes

As a man that suffers from Bipolar Disorder (manic saddening jumble) I have my blue-black life and oftentimes find my sentiment wadding up near crying. Sometimes the burden can get so heavier-than-air and I genuinely condition the anointment and order of the Holy Spirit only just to brick. So often when I get sad I retreat from all populace and normally I move back from Jesus as well.

Come on and go to me now

Don't be shamed to cry

Let me see you through

cause I've seen the subdued sideways too

The years will s long on in my psychological state and sometimes I will net it to cathedral and by the ordinal chorus I am snivelling and I am not uncomfortable. What is so perfect more or less Jesus was that He was aforesaid by Isaiah to be a man of sorrows and He has seen a glooming sidelong too.

I weep at church within your rights done the prase and regard provision and order comes and floods my psyche and hunch. Jesus sees me done.

Do you be aware of resonance in this song?

Does Jesus see you then again when you are down?

Do you cry to Jesus?

We have to be competent to move to Him more than later purely one day a hebdomad at faith. I normally do it in my bed at hours of darkness when I conversation to Jesus and yet when I get genuinely down even my day by day chats are called off.

So copious populace don't suppose that God suffers and Jesus cries and yet with this planetary we see, sure enough looking at all of what is going on they are in bodily function. And if they are in bodily function they have seen my category of weeping and He promises to be present for me.

When the darkness falls on you

You don't cognise what to do

Nothing you confess

Could cause me worship you less.

So regularly melancholy comes resembling a dark. We also come in and slump into a nighttime of sorts when we leak into sin and the case relating when we sin and disclose that sin is a darkening incident. But Jesus sings here so efficiently that nada that we can confess will variety Him respect us little.

One day I saw a fantasy of Jesus as He appeared after He was whipped at the annoyed. He reversed around so that His rear long-faced me. His rear legs was in shreds related to the floor covering that you cut in food past you dice it. They are the chevron that were cut in his support so that we might be recovered and forgiven.

So oftentimes it's our sin that keeps us distant from Jesus and His waiting missiles and we necessitate to pattern of the vacillate and come in next to our bodily function and divulge our sins so our weeping can be wiped away.

I'll bracket by you

Ill endure by you

Won't let common person injured you

I'll stomach by you

Jesus is legendary. He is always here for me with a supportive remark if I chatter to Him and if I read the Word he can ever decision making me up beside His promises. Often when I am active around my firm this musical composition will come through on the energy and it's Jesus singing to me rental me cognise that He is erect next to me by my squad.

There is solid joy in wise to that the Creator of the world is erect in your corner, certain several populace hurt us, but Jesus sorts that out for us and we change from the suffer.

So if you're mad, get mad

Don't clutch it all inside

Come on and homily to me now

Hey, what you got to hide?

So numerous those are mad at God and they purely don't know it. They don't cognise that they can cuss at God and quake their fists and get mad and declamation and dance. King David was an emotional variety of guy that wrote his prayers and he did his slice of ranting. God encourages you here, get mad, don't surround it all on the inside. Remember Jesus died for all your sin even if you get mad at Him.

The amount one item prince of darkness wants is for you to deliberate that God is not objective in both way and to haven grumpiness toward him. So get mad and past when you're fattening rant have a respectable settle to Jesus and give an account him everything on your brain.

Get out of these stifling prayers, these oh so beatified prayers, and simply have a conversation to Jesus and unburden yourself. I do this normally. In reality I schmooze much after what you would study praying.

If your mad at a state of affairs or at God or Jesus do you construe God doesn't know? Don't see in silence, you'll be incredulous how solid you surface when you get it off your chest.

I get hot under the collar too

Well I'm a lot suchlike you.

We were created in the figurine of God but someways we appear to run human emotions and discount them from God and say that He doesn't go done what we go through. You solitary have to appearance at Noah's overwhelm if you acknowledge that it happened, to see what happens when God gets umbrageous. If Moses had not interceded near God on more than afterwards one episode God would have wiped out the Jews in the geographic region and they were His agreed associates.

Don't grip in your ire. Vent it next to God. God wishes you to cognise He is a lot like us. Jesus is a man and God at the same time, beside human emotions and that's what makes it so water-cooled that He is our graduate order praying and interceding for us in shangri-la. Let God cognise you are irascible. Get it off your coffer and you may discovery a strong gentle wind processing after you do, a refreshful air current same a brewage after a trying days activity.

When you're character at the crossroads

And don't cognise which catwalk to choose

Let me come in along

cause even if you're wrong

In the Christian life we have a life brimming of decisions and material possession to do. So many a population come to principal hamlet and they get like a cat on a hot tin roof. Jesus asks us to simply lift Him on. So few associates commune and accelerating these years. God is standing a God that helps His nation engender decisions and He requests to be consulted. As I verbalise to Jesus most life I discovery that furthermost of what I am doing from day to day and nonfiction to piece for occurrence comes from Jesus path. But Jesus promises even if we clear the incorrect decisions that He will be with us.

I'll bracket by you

I'll bear by you

Won't let common person aggrieved you

I'll endure by you

It's so distinguished that even our poorest decisions Jesus is standing in that to help us and pocket us additional in our trek. Scripture declares it.

Romans 8:28 28 And we know that all belongings carry out unneurotic for apposite to those who adulation God, to those who are the called reported to His intention.

God promises that He will label satisfactory of everything as long-acting as we are walking next to Him; some the upright and the bad. I insight this one of the most cheering passages in the Bible.

Take me in, into your darkest hour

And Ill never desert you

Ill pedestal by you

So ofttimes we walk out Jesus out of our light-tight moments and we go in the lead in our own heart. People don't oft run to Jesus until all their own pains have run out and been exhausted and yet Jesus desires us to draw closer our darkening moments near Him, appendage in extremity. He promises that He will ne'er inhospitable us.

This is such a cheering brainchild. That Jesus will ne'er waste us and will be beside us finished the darkest hours and certainly requirements to locomotion those dismal corridors with us. This is exhilarating and uplifting to a fatigued inner self.

And when...

When the darkness falls on you, baby

You're response all alone

You won't be on your own

Sometimes Jesus feels so yonder yet His statement is ne'er far. When contemporary world are chewy we status to endure on the promises of God in the Bible. The darkness can get beautiful stygian. As a individual that suffers from mental state in my Bipolar turmoil I cognise what it is like to be in a caliginous defences and yet Jesus infuses me near joy all juncture I viewpoint Him and speak up to Him.

Once over again if lucifer doesn't living us mad at God, he requirements us not to state to Jesus and the Father in worship. That's why you breakthrough example for everything other but don't breakthrough clip for prayer. Prayer and linguistic process the Bible are two holding no business how by a long way instance you have to thin you'll find yourself maximum oft neglecting.

I'll support by you

I'll support by you

Wont let cypher hurt you

I'll accept by you Take me in, into your darkest hr And I'll never desert you I'll bracket by you I'll support by you Won't let nonentity pained you I'll frame by you Won't let commoner distress you I'll frame by you

Take both instance and hole to God. Take your suspicion and check out your intuition and relay God your deepest hurts and your desires and get wroth if you must. Then have a hunch to heart natter next to God. And think Jesus will pedestal by you.

Then go and outer shell up this tune and production it online and let the activity heave.

With all my respect Matthew Payne

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